Fallout 4 nuka cola mod
Fallout 4 nuka cola mod

fallout 4 nuka cola mod

Merging/fixing conflicting mods is mandatory for a stable game! Expect to spend at least half that for a semi-stable game using the following mods. To get this relatively stable has cost me roughly SEVEN DAYS of my life merging mods and solving conflicts in FO4Edit.

fallout 4 nuka cola mod

Perk Points Per Level adjusts perkiness so that one can craft better gear. Also using worldwide NPC > Player scaling mod so all enemies are around the players level at all times like in previous games, bosses and other harder enemies have a slightly higher multiplier than other easier enemies that have slightly lower multiplier than player level. Currently about 80 hours into the game, level 20 using no XP for kills (seriously Beth, rewarding players for killing?) and lower XP globally.

Fallout 4 nuka cola mod